Coveo gives you an opportunity to test your programming skills during the 15th edition of Coveo Blitz!
You may wonder what is Coveo Blitz? Not only it is one of the oldest private programming competitions in the province, but it is also an incredible window into the famed #coveolife.
If you don't want to miss the start of the registrations, subscribe to the newsletter.
Hall of Fame
Here's the list of prestigious Coveo Blitz winners from previous editions.
- 2025ecb
- Jun Kai Liao
- Roland Killian
- Andrew MacKenzie
- Alex Waese-Perlman
- 2024Leebly
- Sebastien Caron
- Nicolas Legros
- Sebastien Legros
- 2023Roach
- Liliana Kershner
- Bonnie Li
- Alexander MacKenzie
- Andrew MacKenzie
- Léo Guérin-Morneau
- Olivier Langlois
- Christophe Duchesne
- Alex Aubut
- 2021Guy
- Olivier Demers
- Charles Bélanger
- Félix-Antoine Amyot
- William O'Sullivan
- 2021Le Club Des Ex (professional)
- Guillaume Simard
- Alexandre Paré
- Vincent Séguin
- 2020The Flat Earthers
- Louis-David Deschenes
- Frédéric Fortier-Chouinard
- Antony Martel
- Victor Frève-Boucher
- 2019PinaAplle
- Philippe Babin
- Benoit Verret
- Alexandra Mercier
- Maxime Gagnon-Legault
- 2018Keep Summer Safe
- Alexandre Benoit
- Marc-André Frenette
- Jérôme Godin
- Valentin Libioulle
- 2017NullJS
- Alexandre Gariépy
- David Landry
- Jonathan Gingras
- Mathieu Carpentier
- 2016Comeo
- François Chantal
- Olivier Précourt
- Eric Boudreau
- Samuel Thériault-Hall
- 2015To be determinate
- Olivier Boucher
- Jeremie Poisson
- Pascal Leblanc
- Yann Thibodeau
- 2014Vanilla-Expresso
- Francis Renaud
- Jean-Daniel Pearson
- Vivianne Briand-Beaulieu
- Gabriel Le Breton
- 2013Les chiens
- Sylvain Perron
- Francis Valois
- Simon-Pierre Gingras
- Vincent Roseberry
- 2012B
- Alain Gilbert
- J.-O. Desjardins Bernier
- J.-P. Poulin de Courval
- Jean-Sébastien Tremblay
- 2011Équipe #4
- Francis Turgeon-Boutin
- Jean-Francis Roy
- Alexandre Lacoste
- Sébastien Giguère